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AT IBC 2001 VIZRT launched viz [arena], a remarkable new virtual graphics technology for sports broadcasting.
For broadcasters seeking an easy-to-use, all-in-one solution to enhance the visual quality of live sports programs, viz [arena] delivers traditional 3D graphics, as well as virtual graphics, all from the same system.
Audiences can experience exciting and visually rich graphics animations, such as the steepness of ski runs, the slant of a soccer pitch, the drop on a golf course, or track camber and hill gradient in motor sport or horse racing.
Sport specific plug-ins are available for major sports such as soccer, golf, skiing, and others. Data can be shown as real-time graphical elements and animations, overlaid onto grass, snow, tarmac and even water. Terrain data generated topography graphics, and external sensor data feeds and accurate scoreboard clocks can be easily incorporated. viz [arena] integrates with real-time statistical systems, interfaced to sports feeds, scoreboards etc., as well as displaying animations of team line-ups, positions and clocks.
Graphics can be displayed traditionally (fade in/out, dissolve) in 2D or 3D, or the vizrt animation tools can be used to enhance the viewing experience. Field-tested by vizrt's sports client and strategic partner, WIGE-Data, viz [arena] has already been used in the most demanding sports conditions to date, including the Bundesliga in Germany, the Rowing World Championships in Switzerland, and the Athletics World Championships in Canada. (CD)

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