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MADI Specialist Aspen Media Shows DirectOut At BVE

UK distributor Aspen Media is bringing six products from the German manufacturer DirectOut Technologies to Stand D50 at BVE.
It will be the first showing of the MADI range in the UK.
The very latest developments from DirectOut will be available to visitors; the M.IK2 MADI, a routing system with 16 ports that offers a powerful routing matrix for 1,024 audio channels, the ANDIAMO, a MADI AD/DA converter for 32 audio channels and the MA2CHBOX, a reference class headphone amplifier for MADI signals. Also on the stand will be the MADLSRC, a sample rate converter for MADI signals, SPLIT.CONVERTER a MADI format converter and splitter and PRODUCER.COM a multiformat embedder/de-embedder and communication system.
Sue Hurd, Aspen Media's Business Development Manager, explained: "Products from DirectOut Technologies feature highly in our recently launch specialist MADI website, and we have been delighted by the level of interest that has been generated by the range so naturally it's very important for us to show these products at BVE."
Aspen Media has been supplying audio equipment to the broadcast industry for over fifteen years under the leadership of its Director Chris Collings.

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