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Skillset Cymru Announces Investment In Training For Welsh Creative Media Industries

Skillset Cymru has devised an ambitious programme of funding for training schemes designed to benefit the Welsh Creative Media Industries in 2011.
In partnership with broadcaster S4C and the trade association for independent producers in film and television in Wales, TAC, Skillset Cymru will be investing in a range of training programmes designed to address the most pressing skills needs facing the Welsh TV and film industries over the coming year.
Welsh training provider Cyfle will be delivering a range of schemes throughout the course of 2011. These will include:
  • A training scheme for researchers to develop their investigative and journalistic skills
  • A production management course for junior professionals
  • A 360 degree multiplatform development scheme to create the digital professionals and writers of tomorrow
  • A number of short courses addressing multiplatform, multi-skilling, HD, digital archiving, health and safety, child protection, compliance and business skills
In addition to this, Skillset Cymru will be funding the following programmes:
  • Creative Business Leader Wales for production companies to review and strengthen commercial strategy and inspire and motivate teams, This scheme will be delivered by Kirkbright and is the second phase of this successful programme which has already been delivered once in Wales
  • Co-production and International Markets for Welsh producers, delivered by Initialize Films
  • Ideas Generation and Innovation for creative professionals, delivered by DV Talent
Skillset Cymru will also continue to offer grants of up to £500 for freelancers to spend on training within priority skills areas identified by the industry in Wales. These bursaries are also funded by S4C and TAC.
Director of Skillset Cymru, Gwawr Hughes, said: "Our decision to fund these programmes over the course of 2011 is based on our extensive consultation with the industry to determine what training needs it is experiencing. We are confident that this suite of training solutions will help to ensure that our Creative Media Industries remain competitive through these challenging times."
S4C Chief Executive Arwel Ellis Owen said: "The development and success of the media industry in Wales depends on the skills, quality and creativity of those who work in the field. That is why investing in training within the independent production sector is so important to us at S4C.
"We are delighted to continue to fund training provision for the television production sector in partnership with TV companies, Skillset Cymru and TAC. This will help us all to rise to the challenges of the current economic climate and deliver high-quality programming."
Iestyn Garlick, Chair of TAC (Teledwyr Annibynnol Cymru/Welsh Independent Producers), said: "In the current economic climate, we recognise the huge pressure everyone is under to make cuts across all areas of production spend. Therefore, it is highly reassuring to see the commitment to skills and training represented by this latest investment in high-level skills initiatives, which is vital if the independent media sector is to continue to act as a key part of the culture and economy of Wales."
Further information on all of these courses can be found at:

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