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Tedial Meets DPP's Compliance Programme

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Tedial has announced that it has successfully met the criteria for the DPP's Compliance Programme and has achieved AMWA certification for its Enterprise Tarsys MAM platform.

Tedial's Tarsys system is the first industry MAM platform to meet the AS-11 DPP Certification Level Criteria as determined by the DPP Compliance Programme and UK DPP Broadcaster Technical Delivery Specification. Its native DPP support provides efficient workflows for archiving, processing and delivery of AS-11 UK DPP files, allowing these processes to be automated wherever possible. This enables information to be presented in a straightforward way, making the operator's task simpler.

DPP support ensures that all media files delivered to UK broadcasters meet compliance regulations, and have all the necessary metadata attached thanks to a specific data model extension that supports DPP metadata. Tarsys now also provides native support for reading, extracting and validating AS-11 UK DPP content, while native support for writing DPP files eliminates the need for an external editor.

An out-of-the-box ingest workflow brings greater efficiencies, automating the file reception creation, metadata review, file integrity checking and DPP compliance checking processes. If compliance requirements are not met, the operator is alerted to manually add the required metadata. Operators can use Tedial's tools to add subtitles, audio files and additional metadata as required in order to create a new DPP compliant version of the media file.

In addition, the Content Packaging for Delivery function within Tedial's Ficus system can be used to create a MPM workflow to export the selected components of the MediaSet.

Commenting on the AS-11 DPP certification, Esther Mesas, Chief Sales & Marketing Officer, Tedial said: "We are very proud to be at the forefront of DPP compliant MAM workflows. We have always prided ourselves on being processing agnostic, allowing media organisations to apply their wrappers of choice with regards to current and future industry standard content exchange initiatives. With the addition of native AS-11 DPP support, our customers can rest easy knowing all their DPP compliance requirements are taken care of in a seamless way."


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