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Tedial To Highlight MAM Solutions At CABSAT 2015

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Tedial is highlighting its scalable MAM solutions with fully integrated storage management and business process workflows in a Service Orientated Architecture (SOA) layer at CABSAT 2015.

The company is also demonstrating its Media Exchange Platform (MEP) for the first time in the region.

Tedial has taken a whole new approach to helping the diverse players in global media work together. Employing Tedial's MEP, content producers, broadcasters, pay-TV operators, service providers and telcos can work collaboratively on media securely and efficiently. Whether it's upstream during news, sports or co-production or downstream during multi-platform packaging and distribution, Tedial has directly integrated multi-tenant media exchange into its core media workflows. The thousands of multi-format content exchanges now required by media companies every day can be better managed and monitored centrally by Tedial.

Tedial's customers' problems are often complex, but its solution is simple: Find it, Enrich it Manage it and Publish it.

Find IT: To cost-effectively manage today’s explosion in the number of programme versions, promos, scripts and metadata - often stored in diverse locations and formats -Tedial is demonstrating its latest Tarsys desktop media search tools. Using either PC or Mac browsers, every user is provided with easy-to-use, workflow-aware, search tools and high-performance media browse capability.

Enrich IT: Tedial is showcasing new workflows to catalogue, edit and enrich content for discovery by any audience on any screen: Tedial helps curate and exploit the media inventory, wherever it is stored. Tedial will demonstrate streamlined metadata acquisition from third-party production and traffic systems, and show how its solutions guarantee metadata preservation across the entire media lifecycle.

Manage IT: Tedial's solutions deliver real business benefits that others only claim by providing so much more than just MAM. Tedial’s latest live business reporting dashboards for multi-site media workflow will be demonstrated at the show. Tedial’s MPM solutions seamlessly integrate the widest range of third-party technology in traffic, storage, editing and transcoding. Tedial solutions manage media more efficiently and securely than other systems by optimally balancing business logic (BPM) with high-performance automated workflow and day-to-day manual task management at the desktop, for any number of users working at multiple sites.

Publish IT: Tedial's next-generation MPM media workflow directly manages the transcoding of content and metadata to streamline content packaging and delivery for multi-channel TV, catch-up services, VoD and OTT. This new functionality will be highlighted throughout the show.

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