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Size and scale of UK film industry to be measured

The biggest ever survey of the UK film industry workforce is to commence this month.
A representative sample of several thousand film workers, ranging from set crafts to producers, will be questioned providing a profile of the age; sex; earning power; diversity; location; working patterns; And skills needs of the workforce.
The survey will be carried out by Skillset and UK Film Council in response to recommendations made in ‘A Bigger Future – the UK Film Skills Strategy.’ The results, to be published summer 2004, will inform implementation of the strategy which is due to begin in April 2004.
Stewart Till, CEO and Chairman of UIP and Chair of the Film Skills Strategy Committee responsible for the implementation of ‘A Bigger Future’, said: “We’ve got the strategy in place, now its time to focus on hitting the target with delivery. But to do that we need meaningful data on the workforce which is no easy task considering the project-based nature of much film work and the continual movement of freelancers. The results of this survey will, for the first time, give us a true picture of the size and shape of the UK film workforce. This information will be invaluable in helping us direct our efforts and resources where the industry needs it most.”
The survey will cover individuals working on productions made in 2002 that are of 80 minutes or longer duration and have a minimum budget of £500,000. The closing date for the return of completed forms is February 19 2004.
For more information on the survey contact: [email protected].

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