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Sid Sonic Stock Music Store
001 323-345-2806
Daniel LeBlanc
109-260 Adelaide Street East.,
Toronto, Ontario,
M5A 1N1,
109-260 Adelaide Street East.,
Toronto, Ontario,
M5A 1N1,
About Sid Sonic Stock Music Store
Stock Music Store is a premium production music company where you'll find thousands & thousands of great music tracks as well as over 450 collections exclusive top-quality tracks sold individually, by collection or by subscription for immediate download. Our film & TV scoring section is one of the biggest available. We are passionate about music and have very high standards when it comes to our content. We are constantly updating and adding new content and believe that we sell the highest quality of music. Listen to a few of our tracks and we’re sure you’ll agree!
Our music is written and produced exclusively for Stock Music Store, which means that you’ll never ever have a copyright issue.
We allow downloading of preview tracks so you can try before you buy. Vitrually all of our tracks have multiple versions to suit your timings and they are also easily edited to maximize their effect.
We also offer amazing subscription services for clients that require music on an ongoing basis.
Our music is written and produced exclusively for Stock Music Store, which means that you’ll never ever have a copyright issue.
We allow downloading of preview tracks so you can try before you buy. Vitrually all of our tracks have multiple versions to suit your timings and they are also easily edited to maximize their effect.
We also offer amazing subscription services for clients that require music on an ongoing basis.

Company News
Free stuff!
Just a quick reminder to let you know that we have a nice selection of FREE stuff available for you to download and use wherever you like. There are drum loops, SFX, instruments and more!
As always, feel free to "share" this post to let others take advantage.
Subscription Packages
Check out our awesome subscription packages.
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Location of Sid Sonic Stock Music Store
Music - Libraries Sponsors

We’ve been successfully supplying bespoke and library music for TV, film, corporate videos, websites and advertising campaigns since 1996.