Props - Hire Sponsors

Lynda's Prop Shop is owned by Lynda Reiss, a 19 year feature film Property Master from Los Angeles, who now resides on the Isle of Man.
If you are trying to make London look like Los Angeles, or Manchester look like Michigan we can help.
If you are trying to make London look like Los Angeles, or Manchester look like Michigan we can help.
Props - Hire Companies
In Heathfield, Sussex

Hands On History Ltd
Hillswood, Heathfield
Tel : 01435 813144
Based in Heathfield East Sussex, Hands on History is a company which provide interactive history activities to schools, colleges as well as running workshops, demonstrations...

Peter Hanman Tools
Burwash Road, East Sussex
Tel : 01435 860760
Peter Hanman Tools is a Sussex based company which can provide authentic vintage tools for use by the film and television...